Phone Tee Bookings:



Members Notice

(Including Senior Section and Junior Section Meetings)


  1. The 30th Annual General Meeting (incorporating the Senior and Junior Section meeting) will be held on Thursday 23rd February 2023 at 7.30 pm in the Premier Suite at the Golf Centre.


Rule 13.1

Any two members of the Club (excluding Juniors) may nominate an Officer or Committee member, the name of the candidate will be sent in writing (nomination form) to the Club Secretary by 5.00 pm on 5th February 2023.

Note: Junior Members can nominate a Junior Captain and Junior Vice Captain, the name of the candidate to be sent in writing (Nomination form) to the Club Secretary as above.


Rule 14.3

Any proposition relating to the welfare of the Club may be discussed at the A.G.M. but no resolution shall be proposed unless 40 days previous notice of the same shall appear in the Agenda annexed to the posted notice convening the meeting.


Please refer to Agenda.

The nomination form can be found here Nomination form 2023 final_

J W Brothwood

Honorary Secretary

Bromsgrove Golf Club Committee.